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Being Quiet

There’s a book that became an overnight success. The book is called, “Quiet,” and it’s a nonfiction work about the challenges of being...

Post-Traumatic Growth

There’s an interesting new field of study called, “Post Traumatic Growth.” Researchers are trying to find out why traumatic experiences...

The Challenge of Every Day Life

A friend of mine, Kim, was struggling to deal with her 8-year-old daughter’s sadness. Kim was a single parent raising Becky on her own....

Be Positive?

We live in a generally upbeat culture, especially those of us who live in California. The attitude tends to be that being positive and...

Using Insurance for Therapy (Part Two)

Psychotherapy is a delicate and personal relationship. With your therapist, you will be sharing private and intimate information. Given...

Using Insurance for Therapy (Part One)

I try to offer full disclosure to clients about administrative matters. In that spirit, I would like to share the pros and cons about...

Don't Believe Everything You Feel

I wrote a blog (see below) about the bumper sticker, “Don’t Believe Everything You Think.” The same can be said about our feelings. Our...

Don't Believe Everything You Think

There’s a popular bumper sticker around Berkeley that reads, Don’t Believe Everything You Think. There’s a lot of truth in this clever...

When Values Clash

Monica and Anna were close friends until they started living together. But once they rented an apartment together, they were barely...

Do You Self-Sabotage?

You are your own best friend. Or are you? There are times when we look out for ourselves, when we protect ourselves from harm. But at...

Can Therapy Cause Harm?

Leslie, age 30, came to therapy to deal with a bully boss. Her new manager was making her life miserable, and she needed some coping...

The Pros and Cons of Empathy

Jenna is a very empathic person. However, sometimes she can be too empathic. For instance, Jenna will put up with bad behavior from...

Flaw or Fatal Flaw?

Lindsay, age 27, was ambivalent about marrying Brian. “I just don’t know if he’s the one. He has problems, but then again, doesn’t...

Medical Masquerades

An acquaintance of mine, Susan, was going through a traumatic divorce. But her son, Jacob, seemed to be suffering even worse than Susan....

Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

These days we live in almost boundary-less world, so it’s hard to maintain personal boundaries. Before the Internet, when we left work,...

The Happiness Trap

A few months ago, I was having lunch with two other therapist friends, “Diane,” and “Marcy.” Diane confided that she didn’t feel as happy...

The Gift of Intuition

Criminology, Gavin De Becker, wrote a fascinating book a number of years ago, called, The Gift of Fear. He discovered in his research...

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